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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Spunky, Awnry, Drama Queen, TWO

Madalynn my love, you are one SPUNKY two year old! You are down right awnry when you do not get your way....But....I still think you are absolutely ADORABLE!!

This blog post is being created because of one of your tantrums you just had about 10 minutes ago. Over what? Because daddy said he wanted to continue watching Astro Boy while you went and watched Tangled in brothers room. Hmmmm.....seriously? First you came over to me and pushed my laptop screen down, then you proceeded to bite me on my arm a few times (thank god I had a hoodie on, because it protected me from your vicious bite), and then you started biting the couch, and finally you grabbed my dinner plate and tried to throw it onto the floor. Yep you did all of that because daddy said he was going to watch Astro Boy! You are a DRAMA QUEEN! You are definitely two years old.

By the way....when are you going to give up that darn ni-night (aka pacifier)?

1 comment:

  1. Sound like fun times ;) its crazy raising a toddler. They change so much day to day.
