Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Our Christmas was full of magic, blessings, and love! We were very blessed to be surrounded with those we love! Can't wait till next year!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I have always longed to know about my family heritage. I want to know who these people are, that are tied into my genes. It's hard for me to find out all of this information, because I do not have a relationship with my mother, and that includes her parents, my father does not remember a lot of the information that his mom (my grandmother) would know, and my grandmother and grandfather (my father's parents) have passed away. So this leaves me to investigate the information. Of course GOOGLE only gets you so far, so I finally decided to go here. I have always wanted to go there and fill out my Family Tree, but I never have gone through with it. Tonight something told me to go to the website and sign up. They were offering a free 14 day trial! That was so exciting to see. I figured I have 14 days to play around with the website and see if I get the results that I want. 

I believe what I am really looking for is a way back to my grandmother. She was not only my grandmother, but she was my best friend and my mother. God put her on this earth, because he knew a little girl was going to need her one day. If it weren't for my grandmother, I am positive that I would have either been dead or on the street doing drugs. I wouldn't have any other choice. I will post about my life story another day, that will explain more in depth. grandmother passed away on December 1, 1997. That was 5,131 ago, 
  • .443,318,400 seconds ago
  • 7,388,640 minutes ago
  • 123,144 hours ago
  • 733 weeks ago
I miss her a lot! I want to talk to her, hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, rub her back, paint her toe nails, go shopping with her....I just want to see her.  Hear her voice. Smell her perfume. 

I hate DEATH!!

here a zit, there a zit, everywhere a zit zit...

I thought zits were supposed to be a teenage to early and mid 20's kinda thing....not in your 30's!! I have not broken out like this in quite some time. Last night I went to the movies and when I got home and used the restroom, I looked into my bathroom mirror and said out loud "I cannot believe I went anywhere looking like this." I felt like I looked like a meth addict. I have these zits around my mouth and a huge cold sore on my upper lip. WHAT IN THE HELL is going on with my hormones?

This is either going to be one heck of a period or else......I will be updating other news in a few weeks!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pulling my heart strings

I love to read to my children. It's time for me to cuddle them without them knowing : ) Some of our favorite stores include the Pigeon series written by Mo Willems. We own 2 of the books, and would love to own the remaining ones. Tonight Nolan told me that he wanted me to go online and buy the rest of them. He knows that I purchase all of my books from AMAZON. I told him I can't do it right now because we don't have the money to do that. He said " Mom, I have money in my piggy bank and I will share it with you, so you can buy me those books." 

This little man is only 3 years old and he is already this generous? Wow, I am a pleased mommy. I know that I am doing a good job at teaching him his manners and loving one another. 

I told him after he kindly offered his life savings, that I would never take his money, that money is his. I told him that I will be sure to buy him the books one at a time after the holidays. I have to admit, my heart skipped a few beats, my stomach fell to my toes, my skin got goose bumps and my soul melted when he made that generous offer. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

a little sweet and a little salty

damn HORMONES! I was even gifted with a cold sore this time around. Why is it though when what seems to be that "time of the month" is on the horizon...I still ponder the idea of whether or not I am pregnant? I am not planning on getting pregnant. In fact we are preventing another pregnancy at this time. Maybe it's because pregnancy symptoms and "time of the month" symptoms are so similar. I wonder how much money I have wasted on unnecessary purchases of pregnancy tests over the years? I bet I could go on a really nice vacation! Did somebody say VACATION?

About an hour ago I was craving pickles and something sweet. More like something that was chocolatey and ooey-gooey. I ate about 7 mini the salty is taken care of, but I have yet to get my lazy butt off of this couch to satisfy the sweet.

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's 11-11-11 and it's my 5 year Wedding Anniversary!


We had only been dating 2 weeks. I was driving to Las Vegas to meet up with you. You were playing in a softball tournament that weekend. I was so excited to be spending a weekend with you. I remember calling my best friend Teresa while I was driving. She told me don't be getting married this weekend. I laughed at her and said oh my goodness that's not going to happen. 

I eventually arrived in Las Vegas around 11pm. The next morning 11/11/06 we woke up, went to breakfast at Denny's at around 4 am. Went back to the hotel, met up with your softball team and headed over to the ball park. You played your heart out that guys won every game. That night we all went out for supper at a Mexican food place. We were sitting in a booth with Tony and someone else. I remember him telling a story that every year for the past 2 years someone from the team has gotten married. He said someone has to keep the tradition going. He looked over at you and I and said you two should get married. I remember you looking over at me and saying "you want to?" I said "I don't care, you want to?" So Michael said if you guys pay for the wedding, than we will get married. So we were off! We jumped in the vehicle and we were headed to the court house to pick up our marriage license. From the court house there were people there waiting to take us in a limo to a wedding chapel to get married. We rode in a hummer limo, went into the wedding chapel, said our vows and sealed the deal with a kiss at 11:11 pm! 

I knew that you were the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I am so happy that we made that decision to share the rest of our lives with one another. This is our story and we love it!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1st Appointment today for little man!

I couldn't be more excited for anything else today! Nolan, daddy and I have our very first appointment today with the Psychotherapist. click here to meet her ! We will be learning "Super Parenting Skills" with dealing with a  child who is young with impulsive behaviors. I just want some normalcy back in our lives. I will be back to update you all after the appointment.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy 22 Month Birthday to Madalynn

Madalynn you are 22 months old today! Where does time go? Why does time go by so fast? I wish you could stay small forever, but yet I look forward to the years to come. You definitely are a very independent 22 month old. There are moments that I just shake my head because you are such a DRAMA QUEEN, and than of course there are moments that I just want to freeze.

22 Things that make you YOU:
Your smile
Your laugh
Your kisses
Your orneriness
How you say "I love you."
Your cuddles
Your smell
Your MY daughter
Your hugs
You love pizza just like mommy
You love your daddy
You love to have your "pretty's" done (aka your hair)
You love to dance
You won't go any where without puppy or ni-night
You will only drink flavored milk
You love baths
You love to be rocked at 2am
You love Books
You love to be everywhere Nolan is
You love barbies
You love to rub blankets, hair, anything soft across your nose
You are part of our family

Sunday, October 30, 2011

not my kid

I swore my kids would never be that baby in the store who was throwing a tantrum! Boy was I wrong. I thought I had this whole parenting thing figured out. I refused to ever allow my children to co-sleep. I refused to let them become picky eaters. I swore that they would never throw a tantrum in a store. I really thought that I had it all under control.

Then I had kids! Snotty nosed kids, picky eater kids, tantrum throwing kids, co-sleeping kids, kids who bite, non-sharing kids, nose picker kids...

My patience sure have been tested over the years. 4 kids later...I still have hair, some grey hairs. I have cried myself to sleep many of nights. I have put myself in mommy time-out many times. I have asked myself a million times what am I doing wrong? I swore I would never have another kid...after each kid. I have spanked my kids too hard a time or two. I have wanted to run a way...FOREVER. I have pretended not to hear the baby cry, just because I am too exhausted to get out of bed. I have forgotten to feed them a meal before.

I am not a perfect parent...that's for sure! But I love my snot nose, tantrum throwing kids with every single breath that I take. I would die for these kids. No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.

"I'll love your forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be!"

Monday, September 26, 2011

A to Z All about Me

A. Age: 32

B. Bed size: King
C. Chore that you hate: Laundry
D. Dogs: No thank children are enough for me

E. Essential start to your day: Just give me a few minutes
F. Favourite color: Red
G. Gold or Silver: either I think both are lovely

H. Height: 5'4"

I. Instruments you play: Not musically inclined
J. Job title: Domestic Goddess
K. Kids: David 10, Marcus 7, Nolan 3, Madalynn 20 months

L. Live: Wisconsin

M. Mother's name: Regina

N. Nicknames: Meliss, Babe, Sexy, Mommy, Mama

O. Overnight hospital stays: childbearing, appendectomy

P. Pet peeve: I've got a lot of these...snotty nose kids, people who smack when they are eating oh the list goes on

Q. Quote from a movie: "You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I have ever had and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we were together was the greatest day of my life." The Notebook

R. Right or left handed: Right

S. Siblings: 2 sisters, 4 brothers
T. Time you wake up: 6ish

U. Underwear:I love the no show kind, thong, low cut

V. Vegetable you hate: beets
W. What makes you run late: my children

X. X-Rays you've had: teeth, stomach, butt (broken tail bone)

Y. Yummy food that you make: Everything I make is yummy

Z. Zoo animal: Monkeys, Elephants

Is there a Blogger for Dummies?

I would really like to learn how to do more with my blogger. I wish there was a Blogger for Dummies Book. I follow some pretty cool blogs and I am so jealous of their blogs. Time to start searching! I am on a mission to learn how to fancy up my blog!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to this world little one

I am an aunt again! My niece was born this evening and weighing in at 6 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inches long. Her name is Gabriella and she is gorgeous...see for yourself

I cannot wait to meet her. Congratulations to my little brother and his girlfriend.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Time

Today I was able to drop my babies off with our nanny at 11:00 and go back home to an empty house. Husband is at work until 12:30am, kids won't be home until tomorrow so this is my time! I needed this time to myself. I refuse to do one single load of laundry, wash any dishes, clean anything or do any homework. I am just RELAXING watching movies, my shows that I have DVR'd, napping and reading.

I believe all of us moms deserve one of these "My Time" days once a month for our own sanity.

So I am going to go lie down on the couch, finish eating my McGang Bang (inside joke) but I will explain if asked and watch Rabbit Hole.

Monday, September 19, 2011

a picture is worth 1000 words and can also be life changing

not all pictures are amazing, adorable, cute, precious, beautiful and captivating...

i noticed a picture that was posted on facebook that included me in the picture this evening. it was taken this past saturday (9/17/11) with a group of girls that i had gone out with. when I opened the picture the first thought that entered my mind was "oh my God,I am fatter then I realized." I literally got nauseated. I was mortified that that was me. What happened? How did I let this happen? Why did I let this happen? How can I make it go away right this instant?

I called my dad after I finally caught my breath. All I could do was sob to him. I told him that I am so embarrassed, I hate myself, I can't stand myself like this, I want out of this body, I cannot believe this is me.

This picture will make a lasting impression on me forever. That picture was literally a life changing picture.

Tomorrow is a new day, Tomorrow is the beginning of a new me

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kissing my sleeping baby

I just went into your bedroom to shut your television off because you had finally fallen asleep. I looked over at you sleeping, and you looked so peaceful. I bent down and kissed your sweaty little forehead and rubbed your head. All of the sudden a thought came racing into my head and I was just flooded with emotions. I am so lucky to have you in my life Nolan Carter Geist. You are such a joy in our lives. You make daddy and I smile and laugh everyday. You are such a bright child. You amaze us with your talents at such a young age. We sure are proud to say that you are all ours!

There are days that you make me angry, there are days that you make me cry, there are days when I just need to leave and take a mommy time out, there are days when I ask God "why is he so stubborn?" No matter how many of these bad days I have, the good days outnumber the not so good days. I wouldn't change a thing.

I love how at 5:50 in the morning you come to my side of the bed and say "it's morning time, the sun is out mommy."

I love how you tell me that you are going to marry me when you grow up. I look forward to receiving my lifesaver engagement ring.

I love how you tell me "mama you're my friend."

I love how you give me 100 kisses a day. Sometimes they can be a little wet, but one day it won't be cool to kiss mom, so I will take them while I can.

I love how you ask me if I am happy when you know that I maybe upset about something.

Nolan Carter Geist...I love you! And yes I am happy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Sunday Funday"

Yesterday was my first time ever having a "Sunday Funday." It was just that...a FUN DAY!! Michael and I were invited to go along with Brooke, Sam, Chuck, Mike and Kent to participate in what they call their "Sunday Funday."

Destination: Holcumbe. First stop Swedes Bar (
to eat their famous Broasted Chicken. MMMMM....that was truly the best chicken I have ever had in my life! I even ate the skin of the chicken, and I am not a skin eater. I was drinking Malibu and Pineapple and dessert of Chuck's choice was Polish Bombs.

Second stop was Flaters ( where we did more polish bombs and a thin mint shot and us girls got free shirts.

Michael ended up having to drive us girls in Brooke's car, because we were not in any condition to be driving. Michael was drinking NA beer aka not allowed. Michael is so tall that he had to open the sun roof just to be able to sit straight. On the way to the 3rd bar Sam and I were sitting in the back seat of Brooke's car and we were so buzzed. I remember Sam was dancing with her ass up in the back window, I threw her beer out the window along with Brooke's garbage can that she kept in her car.

Third stop was I don't remember the name, but we did more polish bombs and of course a shot of my favorite which is Jaeger. The funniest part of the trip to this bar was the boys told us girls that there isn't a bathroom at the bar, that there are outhouses. So what does Brooke do? She goes and squats in the neighbors yard next to the bar. Then the boys tell her that they were kidding. Brooke decided that it would be cool to steal a fish bait from the bar too.

Fourth Stop was Ted's Timber Lodge ( where I broke my sunglasses. We had more shots here. Not sure how many.

Fifth Stop was I don't remember. Here at this bar all I can remember is that there was a band playing, I ate peanuts and I was lectured because apparently I opened the car door on our way to this bar while we were driving down the road.

Sixth Stop...I don't remember the drive here at all and I don't remember the name of this place either. From what I was told...I had quite a few shots here, and I even drank from the bottle that the bartender left on the counter. At this point I was taken home.

It was about 9:30 at night and I passed out when I got home.

Today...I was very sluggish. When I woke up at 7am, I was still very dizzy and had to go back to bed at around 8:30 am until 11:30am.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Standing in line

So I am standing in line at the grocery store getting ready to check out (thank goodness) and I feel a GUSH! Yes, my period started without any warning. I knew it was going to start any day, but really, it had to start right then? Thankfully I had on black yoga pants!

Oh the joys of womanhood!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

why do kids have to be so cute?

Yesterday I had to drop Nolan and Madalynn off with a sitter that we don't use too often. Nolan had a fit about this. He cried so hard when I dropped him off. I told him that I promise that I would be back to pick him back up in a few hours.

A few hours later I picked him up and he had the biggest smile on his face. The first thing he said to me was "you did pick me up! You told me you would come pick me up." He kept saying this the rest of the day. I thought this was so gave me a warm tingly feeling all over and put a huge smile on my face.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Daughter

She seriously melts me...she brings me so much joy! I never thought that I would be blessed with a daughter, but God surely did bless me. After having 3 boys, I thought that I was doomed to be a mom of just boys...(it wouldn't have been that bad), but I was due for a girl.

Madalynn is now 19 months old, she will be 20 months old on the 31st of August. She is such a love bug, but also a firecracker. Man she sure can throw a fit...I'm talking throw her self on the floor, lays on her back crying, picks things up and throws them kinda fit. Wow she is just like her MOTHER!!

Her vocabulary is getting quite large...she now says...
Night Night
Melmo (Elmo)
Ruf Ruf (her stuffed animal puppy)
luv u

Madalynn loves to watch Nick Jr. and Disney Junior. She loves to dance, and cuddle. Daddy taught her how to give monkey kisses. She loves to race you around the house, loves books and music.

Her Favorite things right now are her:
Ni Night (her pacifer)
ruf ruf (her stuffed puppy)
Mommy and Daddy and Nolan

Madalynn is wearing a size 6 diaper, between a 2t and 4t, and a size 7 shoe! She weighs 32 pounds and is 32 inches tall!

That's my daughter...and I love her!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting

A nap is mandatory today. I went to bed at 2:45am and was awoken at 5:13am. I don't make it a habit of being sleep deprived. In fact, I am quite moody and irrational when it comes to being tired. I loathe nap time and cupcakes.

The cause of my lack of sleep was a drunk text from a friend. Drunk texting should be illegal. I honestly didn't mind the text, I knew that they needed somebody to talk to, I am just suffereing from sleep deprivation, which makes me a not so nice mommy today.

The day has to get better. I have homework to do and kids to take care of.

Is it bed time yet?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Potty Trained

Mission Accomplished! Nolan is officially potty trained. Michael and I tried with all of our might for the last 6 months to get Nolan to use the potty on his own. He would occasionally pee in the potty just so he could get a sticker or a sucker, but it wasn't a priority of his. Last week out of the blue, Nolan told his dad that he needed to go potty. Michael was in disbelief, but followed him to the bathroom. Amazingly enough, he went pee! We figured it was just another random trip to the potty. 30 minutes later he wandered off to the bathroom, came out and said "I pooped in the potty daddy." Michael and I looked at each other bewildered, but followed Nolan back to the bathroom and found that the toilet had been flushed. So I advised Michael that he may want to wipe him to see if he really did poop. Sure enough...Nolan POOPED in the potty ALL BY HIMSELF!!

It has been a week now that Nolan decided on his own that he was going to become a BIG BOY and use the potty instead of diapers. He has had a few accidents at home, but believe it or not he has not had one accident away from home. Now if we could just get Madalynn trained.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Officially a College Student

As of July 5th, 2011 I am officially a College Student. I never thought I would see this day. I am so proud of myself. I am attending Devry University Online. My degree program is Bachelors in Human Resource Management. My goal is to graduate with honors. I believe I can do it. This is my first week of class and it has already been a challenge. There is a lot to learn, a lot of adjustments to be made at home and learn what time management is all about. My first class is Critical Thinking. Thus far I don't like it. It seems like it's a lot of nonsense. I am amazed at what other people post on the discussion boards. They have absolutely no filters. I wish my self the best of luck! I know I can do this. I know my grandma is so proud of me too. She is definitely smiling down from heaven.