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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting

A nap is mandatory today. I went to bed at 2:45am and was awoken at 5:13am. I don't make it a habit of being sleep deprived. In fact, I am quite moody and irrational when it comes to being tired. I loathe nap time and cupcakes.

The cause of my lack of sleep was a drunk text from a friend. Drunk texting should be illegal. I honestly didn't mind the text, I knew that they needed somebody to talk to, I am just suffereing from sleep deprivation, which makes me a not so nice mommy today.

The day has to get better. I have homework to do and kids to take care of.

Is it bed time yet?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Potty Trained

Mission Accomplished! Nolan is officially potty trained. Michael and I tried with all of our might for the last 6 months to get Nolan to use the potty on his own. He would occasionally pee in the potty just so he could get a sticker or a sucker, but it wasn't a priority of his. Last week out of the blue, Nolan told his dad that he needed to go potty. Michael was in disbelief, but followed him to the bathroom. Amazingly enough, he went pee! We figured it was just another random trip to the potty. 30 minutes later he wandered off to the bathroom, came out and said "I pooped in the potty daddy." Michael and I looked at each other bewildered, but followed Nolan back to the bathroom and found that the toilet had been flushed. So I advised Michael that he may want to wipe him to see if he really did poop. Sure enough...Nolan POOPED in the potty ALL BY HIMSELF!!

It has been a week now that Nolan decided on his own that he was going to become a BIG BOY and use the potty instead of diapers. He has had a few accidents at home, but believe it or not he has not had one accident away from home. Now if we could just get Madalynn trained.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Officially a College Student

As of July 5th, 2011 I am officially a College Student. I never thought I would see this day. I am so proud of myself. I am attending Devry University Online. My degree program is Bachelors in Human Resource Management. My goal is to graduate with honors. I believe I can do it. This is my first week of class and it has already been a challenge. There is a lot to learn, a lot of adjustments to be made at home and learn what time management is all about. My first class is Critical Thinking. Thus far I don't like it. It seems like it's a lot of nonsense. I am amazed at what other people post on the discussion boards. They have absolutely no filters. I wish my self the best of luck! I know I can do this. I know my grandma is so proud of me too. She is definitely smiling down from heaven.