Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, January 15, 2012

3 weeks ago Nolan's pediatrician decided that medicine would be beneficial for his diagnosis of "disruptive behavior/adhd." His dad and I gave it a lot of thought before the decision was made, and agreed that we should try it as well. We of course did not want our son becoming a lab rat, but we knew that it may take a few different types of medicines to find the one that works best with Nolan.

The pediatrician decided to try Tenex because he thought it would work really well with the sleeping medication that Nolan was already on, which is Clonidine. The first day he took the Tenex we noticed immediate results. He went from a level 10 to a level 4 of. He wasn't hyper, he wasn't uncooperative, he wasn't moody, he wasn't ready to kill his sister, he was just a calm 3 year old little boy. We loved it!

Now that it has been 3 weeks of Nolan taking this medication on a continual basis, we have noticed that he is very emotional. He whines for everything, about everything, he cries about anything and everything. He is much more needy and clingy. He also seems much more lethargic throughout the day. This is not normal. This can't be. Tomorrow morning I will be calling his pediatrician to explain to him what is going on, and hope for an answer.

We just want our son figured out as quickly as possible. It goes from one extreme to another. I wasn't prepared for this extreme. This is confusing for us, heartbreaking, and frustrating.

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